Hi everybody! First off, if you’re interested in reading cards, your should check out Camelia Elias’ blog Taroflexions. Her writings there, at Patheos, and her book The Oracle Travels Light, have been unbelievably formative in my approach to reading cards. Thank you for the inspiration. ♥
cinched/bugled\caves[down hollow:den upon:dew sternum]razors/eyes\tongues
Periodically, I think about what it means/the possibility to, see the world objectively. No, and, let’s see what the cards have to say (subjectively interpreted, of course).
What is it like to see the world objectively?
if you can get past the tricks of — and rip the tongue from — your ego, it’s like, bundled and reading on a rainy day: warm and comfortable while having an adventure
Is it possible to see the world objectively?
yes, but you have to give up control, because in the end the choice isn’t yours, anyway
dance, through fords
through panes of glass
hinged, unmoored