Apologies for the delay in posting. I’ve started a certificate program, and it’s taken a second to get used to the school thing again!
Anyway, without further ado, here is the Groundshaker Transformation Deck! It’s 52 modified playing cards plus two jokers that can be used as significators. The pips are associated with a classical planet and geomantic symbol, and the courts with a sign of the zodiac. In many ways it takes note from Lenormand and other divination decks, as well as fortune telling with playing cards.
I’m really excited about this deck, and am looking forward to getting to know it, but before we launch into the interview, I’d like to add that this deck will be available as a pay-what-you-want pdf when I launch my store in April. If you’re desperate and can’t wait, feel free to email me at grounshakerchant@gmail.com, and I can get a it to you. If I get a good enough response, I’ll write a companion guide for it, so let me know if your interested in that as well!
For this interview, I asked the deck to describe me, describe itself, and describe what we’ll do together.
How would you describe me?
Connecting cycles while standing still. From loss, to brilliance, to moving down a path, beauty comes from communicating patterns. Break your stability to grow, and understand that comfort is what you make of it.
And yourself?
Cutting the reigns and rolling to a stop. Bleaching in the light of truth. Receiving messages of an ending with dignity allows for the benefits to be seen. Beauty comes from below and expands outward. A stable house transforms into a creative path.
What are we going to do with each other?
The lost ones can follow the flickering light of the promise of respite. News of endings stirs action and inner strength. Placed below the firstborn lamb, the sun roasts a sacrifice. Thoughts turn to power, and action is born.
I really, really like this deck, and I hope you do to! All of the elements are just (dis)similar enough to really allow for poetry to emerge as you dig through the layers of the different elements.
Again, this deck will be available as a pay-what-you-want pdf in the store, but if you can’t wait until April, get in touch at groundshakerchant@gmail.com.