I recently had a question from a friend for a reading looking into how she can use her strength, which I think is a question we all could benefit from considering.
Today I asked a slightly modified version with a new spread in order to keep her reading private, and I laughed at some of the similarities that came through.
How can we discover, develop, and use our unique inner strength?
I did a six card pyramid spread for this reading, with the bottom row focusing one discovering, the middle row on developing, and the top card on using our strength.
In order to discover our strength, we need to make change (the scythe) and transitions (the door) a part of ourselves (the bottle). To develop that strength, we must struggle (the mountain) to create a still space of observation (the stones). And to use it, we must cut with precision, knowing that how we approach death is our final test of strength.
bring and deep in drink
a harvest. close
thought though ending
together. /block/
still flow substance.
burn hollow.
cut and be still.
Deck used: Groundshaker Transformation Deck by L. Kline, 2018