Happy Leo season! Scroll through to find three-card spreads representing the theme of this season!
Aries: Peek not through keyholes unless you’re ready to take on the emotional work of a leader.
Taurus: Choose the route that leads you home, so that you can nourish your heart.
Gemini: It’s time to rest. Take your baggage and put it somewhere safe.
Cancer: The image you’ve built at work hides your true power.
Leo: Happy Birthday!!!!!! Your work has multiplied and grown fruit. It’s time to reap your rewards and bask in victory.
Virgo: As an advisor, your job is to determine what to cut and what to burn.
Libra: Pick the lock of closed doors. If that doesn’t work, burn them down.
Scorpio: Find sacred space to recharge before you take on major challenges.
Sagittarius: Let people know that you have the answers!
Capricorn: Cut loose, enjoy nature, party.
Aquarius: You’ve made some hard cuts. Now’s the time to celebrate with friends!
Pisces: Spend time in meditation. Set yourself up with emotional reserves for the winter.